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Uses of Shikakai - Acacia concinna

Shikakai :

Acacia Concinna flower

General Use:

  1. In India shikakai fruits are used to cleanse the hair and clothes. It forms the lather and acts as an excellent cleanser.
  2. Traditionally sikakai is used as remedy to treat jaundice, constipation and skin problems.
  3. The leaves and pods are used treat cuts, wounds and oral diseases due to its astringent property.
  4. Leaves of shikakai act as purgative, liver stimulant and improves taste.
  5. The decoction of shikakai pods acts as purgative and used to treat constipation, abdominal pain, indigestion and flatulence.
  6. Infusion of pods is used to treat chronic respiratory diseases. It reduces muscles constrictions in the airways of the lungs
  7. The saponin content of the bark have spermicidal effect that destroys sperms.
  8. Powder of bark, leaves or pods is used as hair conditioner. It cleanses the hair, removes excess oil and dirt, makes hair soft and detangle it. It strengthens the hair roots and promotes hair growth. It also works against dandruff.
  9. In Jaundice, leaves of shikakai is used with black pepper. It can cause purgation or sometime it leads to vomiting. It normalises the bile secretion.
  10. In head lice, pod decoction is used to wash hair. It also promotes hair growth and controls dandruff.
  11. The wick dipped in pod decoction is kept as suppository in children, relieves indigestion and constipation.
  12. Shikai leaves are used to treat malarial fever.
  13. Leaves infusion is used to clear dandruff.
  14. In skin diseases, the extract of grounded shikakai pod is used.
  15. Shikakai bark is macerated in water and the solution obtained is used to wash the hair during bath. This promotes the hair growth, relieves dandruff, scalp itching and dryness. It is also used to get rid of hair lice.
  16. Shikakai bark powder can be used as the bath powder along with other ingredients such as neem, turmeric, green gram powder etc. It removes the dirt, bad odour, relieves itching, dryness, scaling of skin etc.
  17. Shikakai infusion used to wash wounds can help to reduce swelling, exudation, inflammation, itching, burning sensation and helps in healing the wound.
  18. If shikakai powder used alone causes dryness then it can be used with amla powder and yogurt. This combination can avoid dryness of hair, controls dandruff, nourish the hair follicles and stimulate hair growth.

Therapeutic Uses:

Shotha – swelling
Kapha disorders like itching of the scalp, dandruff, low appetite, tastelessness etc
Anaha – Abdominal distension
Pitta disorders like jaundice, fever etc
Udavartha – reverse movement of Vata dosha
Blood related diseases
Kusta – skin diseases
Gulma – Abdominal distention or abdominal tumor
Arsha – piles
Udara – ascites
Gara visha – these are artificial poisons prepared by mixing various substances. It takes long time to produce its toxic effect and does not kill the patient instantly.
Krimi – intestinal worm infestation
Aruchi – tastelessness
Ubhaya shodhani – it is used to cleanse the body (shodhana) by both Vamana (emesis) and virechana (purgation)
Visarpa – herpes
Visphota – blisters

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