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Uses of akhuparni - Ipomoea reniformis Chois.

akhuparni :

akhuparni  : Ipomoea reniformis Chois.

General Use:

1. Treat Fever
2. Control Diabetes
3. Treat rhinitis
4. In case of snake bite
5. For ear ache
6. Treat headache
7. To treat cough and asthma
8. For treating urinary tract infections
9. For skin diseases.

Therapeutic Uses:

1. Yonivyapata : Inserting the root of Akhuparni into vaginal tract will be useful in all vaginal infections.
2. Krimi : Decoction of Akhuparni is mixed with sugar & given in case of fever caused by worms.
3. Krimi : Akhuparni swarasa with rakta sali is given.
4. Agnimandhya : Akhuparni kwatha is given.

Systemic Use:

1. Mutramaya - For urinary tract disorders.


1. Oral - For krimi, agnimandhya etc
2. Suppository - For vaginal infections

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