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champaka in Ayurveda - Michelia champaca Linn.

champaka :

champaka  : Michelia champaca Linn.

Taxonomical Classification

Kingdom: Plantae - Plants
Subkingdom: Streptophyta
Superdivision: Spermatophyta - Seed plants
Division: Magnoliophyta - Flowering plants
Class: Magnoliopsida - Dicotyledons
Family: Magnoliaceae
Genus: Magnolia
Species: Magnolia champaca

Allied species:

 So notable are its qualities as an ornamental flowering tree that little effort has been made to cultivate closely allied species from Mexico, Central and South America. One of these, Magnolia tamaulipana of northeastern Mexico, is finally gaining some popularity, mostly as an oddity, since its flower fragrance is entirely different from the sweet lemony aroma of M. grandiflora.


Sanskrit: Campeya, Hamapushpa , Champaka, Kanchana, Shat pada, Latika, phali, Gandhaphali, Gandhaphala, Deepapushpa, Sthirapushpa, Peetapushpa, Hemahva
English: golden or yellow champa , joy perfume tree
Hindi: Champa
Urdu: Champa
Telugu: Chattu Sampangi
Bengali: Champaka, Champa
Marathi: Sonachanpha
Konkani: चांपे champe, सोनचांपे sonchampe
Oriya: Chompa
Gujarathi: Raichampo, Pilo Champo
Tamil: Sampagi
Malayalam: Campakappuv
Kannada: Sampige
Punjabi: Champa
Munda: Campabadaru
Spanish: - (champaca)
Assamese: Tita-sopa
Japanese: -瞻蔔樹 (Skt, Pali; Jpn sempuku-ju )
Chinese: -黄兰
French: - (ilang-ilang)
Burma: - (mawk-sam-lung); Cantonese
Nepal: अैाले चाँप Aule chaanp
Sinhalese: -Hapu, Sapu
Tulu: -Sampay


Magnolia champaca varieties and hybrids include:

Magnolia (Michelia) champaca var. champaca — Huang lan (yuan bian zhong), (黄兰(原变种)) in Chinese. To 30 metres (98 ft) tall, documented in China.
Magnolia (Michelia) champaca var. pubinervia — Mao ye mai huang lan (毛叶脉黄兰) in Chinese. To 50 metres (160 ft) tall or taller, documented in China.
Magnolia × alba — white-flowered hybrid of Magnolia champaca and Magnolia montana.

In Thailand, there are other purported hybrids cultivated with other species, including with Magnolia liliifera and Magnolia coco.

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