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Chemical constituants of nimbuka - Citrus acida, Citrus bergamia

nimbuka :

nimbuka  : Citrus acida, Citrus bergamia


The fruits juice contains 7-10% citric acid, phosphoric acid, mallic acid and citrate, slimy substance and salt. The fruit skin contains a volatile oil hesperidin, 5-10% and a bitter glucoside. In essential oil limonene, pinene, bergamotene, neral and geraniol identified. Essential oil from leaves of Brazilian plant contained citral (45.0) and limonene (28.93%). From the essential oil of Cuba plant 5, 7 – dimethoxycoumarin, 5- geranyloxy – 7 methoxycoumarin, 5, 8- dimethoxypsoralen isolated. In the peels 6, 7 – dimethoxycoumarin identified


Important formulations

1.Nimbuka phala rasa
2.Tridosa Davanala rasa
3. Nimbu panaka

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